Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Bird Houses--Where and When Do You Put Them

Different species of birds like different kinds of locations. For example, if you are looking to attract woodpeckers or nuthatches, you would want to place your bird house on a tree in a wooded area or on a post. Bluebirds, swallows and certain types of wrens would be comfortable in a house hung in an open field or in a large backyard that does not have much vegetation. Robins are attracted to wide wooden ledges with roofs over them that are protected from the wind.

Bird houses should be erected well in advance of the breeding season. This would, normally, be during late summer or early fall to give birds the opportunity to situate themselves before starting to breed. Bird watchers should have their bird houses up by early winter, the latest. When birds are appearing in your yard, it is already too late to start hanging nesting boxes.

The location of a bird house is just as important for attracting birds as is the type of house provided. Some species of birds prefer open, grassy areas and some prefer wooded shaded areas. However, it is recommended to place birds in a sunny, open space. One should be careful not to hang bird houses on trees as this gives easy access to the bird house for predators such as squirrels and cats.

Spacing, also, needs to be considered when erecting a bird house. Bird houses should be placed, at least, 5-30 feet above the ground, again, making them more difficult to be attacked by predators. And, always, it should be kept in mind that all bird houses should be, at least 25 feet apart. This would address the territorial issue of birds.

When the bird watchers main goal is to attract a variety of species to nesting boxes, pairing of boxes should be employed. This is done by putting boxes on poles in pairs. This offers the advantage of allowing more than one species to, peacefully, coexist in the same environment.

Following these simple guidelines can turn into a very pleasant experience for anyone interested in bird watching. They will attract many cheerful, singing birds that will provide entertainment for the interested bird watcher for hours.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Tips For Keeping Pets By Jonathon Hardcastle

Jonathon Hardcastle

Animals unlike humans cannot express their feelings and they cannot go on making demands and tell their owners when they need food. They are animals. Pet keepers bring home fish, cats, dogs, rabbits, hamsters and birds home all the time eagerly but sadly, they fail to take proper care of their pets because of which their animals die. If pets can not speak out, pet keepers themselves should be humane enough to understand their pets heartily and give them their rights.

Some basic and simple tips for pet keepers can ensure a healthy and loving relation between themselves and their pets. As far as dogs are concerned it is advisable to keep it in a proper dog house which should be comfortable and cozy enough for it to reside in. Whenever you take out your dog for a walk make sure you leash it. They are playful animals, they love to jump and mingle with other animals and chase things. So avoid any bad circumstances it is always better to play it safe. Cats are well mannered and they are less messy than dogs. However they too need proper care. Dogs and cats should be bathed regularly and their utensils cleaned on daily bases. If your dog or cat ever urinate or excrete in your lounge, you should never leave it unclean. It is highly unhygienic for animals and pet keepers both.

The animals that you keep in cages need a little more attention. They are enslaved so it is better to make them at least feel free. Birds or rabbits should never be kept in small cages. They should be big enough so that your birds can easily flutter their wings and fly about. It should be big enough so that your rabbit can run about and hide when it wants to hide. Animals kept at home should provide them with a sense of being in their natural habitats. This way they feel free and they live happily. Their cages, their beddings should be cleansed thoroughly and regularly.

Animals should be vaccinated whenever they need to be. They should be taken for regular medical checkups so that they stay health and energetic. Animals too should be kept in a secured area and never be left out on their own. Pets are unlike the stray animals; they are vulnerable and require special attention. So pet keepers should make sure they take care of their pets the way they should be kept. They can always keep themselves updated through internet and magazines to acknowledge and fulfill their pet's needs.
